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License-plate spray foils cameras
Steve Sexton, Washington Times – Jul 03, 2003
Motorists have litigated against them, fired bullets at them and thrown garbage on them — all to get back at the cameras that have caught them in the act of running a red light or speeding …

Beating the Speed Trap: NBC Survey Shows 82% Support for PhotoBlocker Spray
Eric Minor, NEWS 9 – Feb 06, 2006

” …Beating cameras has become big business and one of the hottest countermeasures is a spray called “PhotoBlocker.” …

Survey Shows Support for PhotoBlocker License Plate Spray, Media Test Proves It Works
PRWEB – Feb 23, 2006

A recent survey of motorists in Ohio shows overwhelming support for the use of PhotoBlocker spray to prevent unjust speed camera and red-light camera tickets. A television news crew tested the spray and reported that it works.

Valley Drivers Have a New Reason to Smile forPhoto Radar Cameras
Scottsdale, AZ
a clear spray called PhotoBlocker™, that when applied to your license plate is invisible to the naked eye yet renders your plate illegible to photo radar cameras by reflecting the flash.