We would like to stress that we do not condone nor encourage running red lights or speeding. Running red lights is careless, illegal and outright dangerous.

Please read the following articles that support our findings and justify why people should protect themselves from prying eyes.

Click here to read full coverage on The Weekly Standard

Click here to read news articles, press releases, and exposes cameras.

  • New invention helps motorists use PhotoBlocker Spray to fight unjust tickets. Red light and speed cameras have met their match
    PhotoBlocker Spray Press Release –

    Hate the idea of impersonal cameras ticketing you for driving 36 miles per hour (mph) in a 25mph zone or for running a red light that was only yellow for a split second? The antidote is in a red aerosol can know as PhotoBlocker Spray.
  • Red-Light, Speed Cameras, and Tickets: Billion Dollar Business
    David Bresnahan, NewsWithViews.com – Mar 03, 2006

    If we all use this spray on our license plates maybe then the politicians will get the message and do what is right — junk the cameras and lengthen the time of the yellow lights.
  • Man Loses Job Over False Speed Camera Ticket … Could Have Been Prevented
    Free-Press-Release.com (press release) – Jun 27, 2005

    … The company’s web site at www.PhantomPlate.com provides testimonials, as well as full details about the product and the need for marketing affiliates to help …
  • Speed Cameras Do Not Make Roads Safer, New Study
    Xtvworld (press release), India – Jun 16, 2005

    … The company’s website at www.PhantomPlate.com provides full details about the product and the need for Internet marketing affiliates to help get it to more …
  • Safety Benefit of Red-Light Cameras in Doubt
    I-Newswire.com (press release) – Jun 19, 2005

    … The Liverpool report termed this as “regression to the mean.” The findings of all these reports are not a surprise to the makers of PhantomPlate.com …